Get In Touch

You can contact Kris by calling or walking into Remington Tattoo during business hours, but except for meeting in person, the best way to get a hold of him is to fill out the information in contact form below. You can usually expect a response within 24-48 hours, but sometimes it takes a little longer depending on what he’s working on at the time.

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Your Phone Number

Tattoo Style

Color or Black & Grey


Location (at Remington Tattoo, or at an upcoming convention, guest spot, etc.)

Size (inches, or sleeve, ½ sleeve, back piece, etc.)

Subject Matter

Are you open to changes in the design idea?

Budget Range

How did you hear about me?

Upload reference

Upload reference

Find Me

Remington Tattoo
3009 Myrtle Ave. San Diego, CA 92104
(619) 795-8915
Saturday – Tuesday
Noon – 8pm
