Where are you located? What are your hours?
Kris’ home base is Remington Tattoo in San Diego California. The address is 3009 Myrtle Ave, San Diego, CA 92104. His hours are Saturday through Tuesday, from noon till 8pm, but he sometimes leaves early if he is finished with appointments for the day, so please call ahead to make sure he is available before visiting during the evening. The shop number is 619.795.8915.
How do I set up an appointment to get tattooed?
The best way to set up an appointment is to fill out the form for Tattoos under the “contact” tab on this website. The form makes sure that Kris gets all of the information he needs to be able to gauge when he will be able to schedule you for an appointment and whether it will be for tattooing of for consultation first. Alternatively, you can stop by the shop and visit him in person at Broken Heart Tattoo to discuss ideas and set appointments.
How long are you booked out? Do you do walk-ins?
When you can get in sometimes depends on what you want. If you want a smaller piece, you will probably be able to get an appointment sooner than for a larger one. Smaller tattoos are easier to squeeze in between larger appointments. Larger work also usually requires a consultation to make sure everyone is on the same page and to make sure your idea gets transferred faithfully into artwork you love and will be proud to wear forever. Your best bet is to use the contact form for tattoos or come in to the shop so that Kris can get a good idea of what you want to do, and check his schedule and see when the best slot for your appointment will be. He does do walk-ins if time and scheduling allows it, but it’s best to call first. Also, make sure to follow him on Facebook and Instagram, as he occasionally posts openings in availability and cancellations!
What is your rate, and do I need to leave a Deposit?
Kris’ hourly rate is $180 per hour with a minimum of $100. A deposit of $100 dollars is required to hold an appointment date. All deposits are non-refundable, and non-transferable. If you fail to give at least 24 hours’ notice before cancelling your appointment, you will lose your deposit. If you fail to give at least 24 hours’ notice before rescheduling an appointment, unfortunately, you will need to pay another deposit to hold your time for the new appointment. More information about deposits is available in the contacts section for Tattoo inquiries.
Do you do cover-ups?
Yes…provided you are willing to be flexible with the design and the sizing. Cover-ups are a special animal, and many times they require specific custom designs in order to cover the existing tattoo in a complete and aesthetically pleasing way. No one wants a tattoo they don’t like on top of a tattoo they don’t like! Certain things don’t work well as cover-ups, and clients are usually steered away from trying to cover up an existing tattoo with something like lettering or tribal, which require negative space to make the designs work, or delicate black and grey work such as portraits. Cover-ups also sometimes require multiple sessions to saturate the skin on top of the old tattoo.